Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Moser & Gallisdorfer

I finally got my cast.  It's white so I can color it, but the day started off soooo much cooler.  First of all, when we were leaving the farm, we spotted some turkeys in the field, so we went to talk to them.  


 If you listen closely in the first video you can hear them talking back, AND you can hear Caroline clucking in the background Then we went to McDonalds for breakfast.  Someone tried to open the drive through early.
We finally got to the Dr's office, but they had quite a few emergencies to get through first.  When I went back they unwrapped my arm.  I couldn't move it very well.  Dad said the muscles had kind of gone to sleep and that when I got the cast off we would have to wake them back up.
They xrayed it to make sure it was OK, then they washed it and put some lotion on it and put a soft cloth sock on it before molding the cast.  It was easy and it didn't hurt

This is a picture of the hospital where I went when I first broke my arm.  They were very, very nice.

 On Tuesday I started out with a shower.  Mrs. Summer gave us this cool contraption that fits over your cast and keeps it dry.  Thank you Mrs. Summer.

Today also included a dentist visit to fill a cavity.  This Was really no big deal.  Mom and Dad were really worried, but Dr. Moser was awesome.  I didn't even feel a thing.  I go to:
Moser & Gallisdorfer
Winston-Salem, NC 27104-4617 (336) 768-7495

                  They make it fun

That's all for now,

Me & The Monkey


  1. Thanks for keeping us up on your daily activities, MD. You leave a very exciting life.

    Love, Aunt T.

  2. I could certainly handle the dentist better if I had some gas. You are constantly on the go. Even my blog isn't this exciting!
