Saturday, August 13, 2011

Getting Better

Hi, Douglas says “Hi” too.
Reynolda House With Momma and Caroline
 After my doctors appointment on Thursday we went and picked up my cousin Ani at my Uncles law office.  (If you ever need help in North Carolina you can call my uncle 336 838-1111)  I said hey to everyone at the office, Sally, Sharon, Nancy, Ms. Kathy, Darlene, and Kim.  Then we went up to the farm with Daddy while Momma went and visited with Aunt Dah.  Aunt Dah and Margi’s flowers were beautiful.  After we picked peaches we went to Uncle Will’s house and ate pizza with Ani.  I don’t like pizza so I ate yogurt and a banana.  Douglas says I must be the only kid in the world who doesn’t like pizza, but I think he just wanted my banana. 
Momma painted my nails Friday morning and my sister and I played “Broken Arm”.  Oh, I forgot.  I had to take a bath too, it wasn't very hard.  We just put a bag on my arm.
I want to say thank you to everyone who stopped by or sent a card or a little present.  Mack and Katie sent me balloons.  They also sent balloons to my little sister because she has a hard head and when she fell she hurt the groundJ. 

My Cousin Colin sent a picture of a horse, I really liked that.  Mr. Tyson’s daughter called to check on me. 

Nana and G-pa have also been checking on me. 
Colin's Horsey Picture

Friday afternoon we went to Reynolda House and Gardens and looked at all the flowers and the museum.  My favorite thing in the house was the kitchen.  I liked the toys too.  My favorite toy was the Snow White doll.  My sister said she was mad because she didn't get to ride in a wheel barrow...that's what she calls a wheelchair.  They don't allow strollers inside, so they let me ride in a wheelchair.  They were very nice.  I even got to ride in the old elevator.
 Friday night I headed to Mema’s to spend the night.  We went to a show that her neighbor was in.  She was a dancer in the show.  My arm is still doing good, but I am tired of taking it easy.

That’s all for now,

Me & The Monkey

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